A Host of Golden Daffodils: 2021


At some point in our lives, we all have felt a little less than we ought to feel, a little less loved then we deserve, as lonely as a cloud...and we feel this way simply because we believe we are not being noticed, no one is paying us any attention, drizzling us with random compliments, or feeding our desire for recognition—and eventually we begin to believe we deserve this low level of affection. But I believe not a single one of us are doing ourselves justice! We all deserve a simple notice for our beauty, a little attention for our thoughts and behaviors, a few compliments for our choices...and most importantly, a little recognition for the simple pleasures we, ourselves, bring into this world. So during your daily strolls—stop—and look around, smell the daffodils, and notice each other...you never know where your path might lead...

Saturday, December 25, 2021

I Wanna...No, Scratch That...I Need To Know Her Skin Regimen

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

And really...I totally need to know what she puts inside her to remain so healthy lookin'! I know it's a bad pic, way too grainy, but you can still tell she has amazing skin for her age and my skin is one of my biggest concerns...it's pretty great right now, I'm still young, but I don't wanna be one of those people who get injections and work done and then it doesn't work and looks worse (one of my biggest fears). So I guess I can just keep doin' what I'm doin'...my skin care regimen combined with my runnin' pretty much takes up most of my mornin' now...I just hope I won't get even crazier as I get older.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Stamps Of Approval #21 (Hot Sexy Women Pic Dump - 20 Photos)

Tell Me Something Dirty #14

She's Doin' Her Hulk Hogan Impression...And It's Hot

“Stay true to yourself. An original is worth more than a copy.” — Unknown

Does anyone remember that little ear thing that Hulk Hogan used to do? My friends and I used to stay up late at night and watch those wrestlin' shows, special events, because the boys always were doin' the same and we wanted to have somethin to talk to them about, plus the wrestlers were just so huge! They were amazin' specimens, I tell ya. But they all were actin' and they weren't really as loud and tough as they portrayed, but they were gettin' paid to be that way...us, us real people, don't need to put on an act to be liked and especially because we aren't getting paid for it! And most importantly, as kids and younger adults, we all try to find ourselves and in the beginning sometimes we do copy other people's styles and personalities but that never works out, so try to find yourself, who you are, as soon as you can and the best way I think you can do this is to read as much as you can!

Monday, December 13, 2021

The Fields #2: A Follower's Collection (34 Photos)

Over the years I've gained a few faithful followers and supporters of all of my endeavors and it seems I can never thank them enough for their help, encouragements, and just plain awesomeness. Also, they have always thrown a few pics my way, some even flood my inbox with them (YAY!), so...I've decided to create a series on each of my BLOGs to spotlight these sexy offerings...to show off some really good taste in sexy beauty, as well as to give these followers the nod they deserve.

(Side Note: These followers do not claim to own these pics or their rights; they are simply collectors like myself)

This collection is courtesy of: OrangeeAppeal (Orangee3) from Reddit

Saturday, December 11, 2021

I Don't Think A "Monster" Would Fit Under That Bed

“F.L.Y. First Love Yourself. Others will come next.” — Unknown

What a nice little acronym! And the fact is, is that it's really important if you want someone else to love you, and it's even important if you just want someone to be attracted to you because you have to accept yourself and your flaws before someone else does. I think this is why so many women post pics of themselves on line. 

A little of the whole postin' a pic of yourself online probably has to do with the obvious, the need for attention, the need to be accepted, the need for validation and stuff like that, but I also think that if you have the courage to put yourself out there it definitely shows to the people who view the pics, and this gives you step up over other people. I only want to make sure that you are really, really careful with who you share pics with in private, especially if these pics are a little lackin', if you know what I mean. By a rule, I don't do it anymore and so far I've been lucky!

Saturday, December 4, 2021

What Classy Hand Posture!

“Real men don’t wear pink, they eat it.” — Unknown

I really need to find out who this “Unknown” person is because I've seen many, many men wear pink, straight men, and I don't see anything wrong with it! Heehee...I know I'm being a little bit of a party pooper because I get the point of the quote and the little play on words, and I do love it when anyone eats my pink, but I just wanted to make sure I mentioned that colors, clothes, or anything else that isn't alive doesn't have a gender or a sex, because if you're really smart, you know there's a difference between the two!

Sunday, November 28, 2021

The Fields #1: A Follower's Collection (34 Photos)

Over the years I've gained a few faithful followers and supporters of all of my endeavors and it seems I can never thank them enough for their help, encouragements, and just plain awesomeness. Also, they have always thrown a few pics my way, some even flood my inbox with them (YAY!), so...I've decided to create a series on each of my BLOGs to spotlight these sexy offerings...to show off some really good taste in sexy beauty, as well as to give these followers the nod they deserve.

(Side Note: These followers do not claim to own these pics or their rights; they are simply collectors like myself)

This collection is courtesy of: OrangeeAppeal (Orangee3) from Reddit

Saturday, November 27, 2021

I Wonder What This Button Does...

“I want to see you in the best position: next to me.” — Unknown

Oh, I can think of and imagine way better positions than just next to me. I'd love to have a button to push that just popped me next to someone I wanted when I'm so ready to play and then they just listened to my every command...but I bet they'd have the same expression on their faces if all of sudden I just popped up out of nowhere for some pleasure time as the above busty beauty, but I'm sure they'd get over it soon once they realized what was actually happening...boy, my imagination is gonna get me in trouble.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

That Better Have Been Your Foot On My Ankle...

“Forget love notes; your bite marks are the only letters I want.” — Unknown

I just don't think random lake bite marks are the kind bein' mentioned in this quote! Heehee...I hope the gal in this pic isn't experiencing anything like I've described because it can be a pretty unnerving experience, but I do hope she'd love a little teeth play in a different settin'. Teeth can be so sensual if used properly but I'm not down to actually get bite marks or anything, but nibblin' can be extremely helpful when tryin' to reach the summit, especially if you do it to my little, ity-bitty hills, if you catch my drift!

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Stamps Of Approval #20 (Hot Sexy Women Pic Dump - 20 Photos)

Take A Closer Look And You'll Spot The Heart-Shaped Easter Egg

“Kissing eliminates stress and reduces blood pressure, so let’s get healthy.” — Unknown

Did you spot it yet? Heehee...It's pretty much the center of the pic for me and I do love a person who takes care of themselves, but I'd never be able to work out in that outfit! I'm a little shy in public in these circumstances...now, don't get me wrong, a person does not have to be uber buff or chiseled tone or rock hard or somethin' like that for me to be in to them, it's just if you're always tryin' to get better, emotionally and physically, it's a real turn on, no matter how you look or how you feel when I come into your life, so just get out there and do what you can to make yourself a better person...runnin' and readin' do it for me!

Saturday, November 6, 2021

It's Either For A Gun Or A Toy...Either Way I'd Be Careful With This One!

“I love everything about you, except for your clothes.” — Unknown

I've heard this pick up line so many times, it's really not that funny to me anymore, but when I first heard it I almost peed my pants...but you should be really careful who you say it to, because you might come across a blossom like above who comes packin' and she just might not take too kindly to that sort of advancement. But seriously, what goes in there?

Saturday, October 30, 2021

What Am I Doin'? I Want To Spot The Loch Ness Monster...No, Silly! Yours Don't Count!

“My ideal body weight is yours on mine.” — Unknown

This girl's body weight would be very easy to accommodate this request...she probably weighs under a hundred! Well, probably not, but she's very, very close. And could you imagine, just imagine? What would you do if a sexy gorgeous beauty like above came up to you and said this quote? Would you freeze? Laugh? Or immediately figure out ways to make her demand a reality?

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Sexy, But Doesn't Take Herself That Seriously...Now That's Hot

“Nice pants can I test the zipper?” — Unknown

Totally somethin' I could hear this beauty sayin'. Not takin' yourself too seriously is a very important quality, for your sake and for the sake of others. I mean, you should have goals and want to reach these goals and work your butt off to reach these goals, but if you don't, it shouldn't effect you so hard or make other people's lives miserable. And this pretty lady seems to just have that look in her eyes that tells me she wouldn't be too hard on herself or on me, and that's very attractive.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Careful...She Just Might "Swing" Into Your Heart

“The way you touch, tease and look at me drives me crazy.” — Unknown

She would definitely “swing” into my heart, well at least my bed when I turn her around and fall together onto my unmade sheets. I wouldn't even care if she came right out of the water like this and into my bedroom. The sheets would absorb her water and I'd absorb her beauty...so gorgeous!

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Stamps Of Approval #19 (Hot Sexy Women Pic Dump - 20 Photos)

Tell Me Something Dirty #13

OMG! That's Her Room! I Thought She Was In A Garage At First

“A ruthless queen in public, a charming princess in private.” — Unknown

Heehee...does anyone else live like this? My room looks like a bedroom, more than this gal's does, but it's just as cluttered. The rest of my place is clean and tidy and not at all filled with things, but my room, I seem to store anything and everything I can find just for the sake of storin' it. I think I need those shelves she's got. And not the one's you're thinkin' of, silly! The metal ones behind her!

Sunday, October 3, 2021

A Bevy Of Beauties #11: A Tag Bonanza (34 Photos)

I've collected so many pics over the years and the ones that I don't choose to feature on my blogs and social sites ultimately just get deleted...But why? I've decided to just bunch them all together and post them anyway. I mean, I originally liked the pic enough to save it, right? So why not share it? So this is where I'll dump all the pics I decided for whatever reason won't be featured during my regular posting sessions when I get enough of them to fill a post (if you've followed me for some time, you have to know I'm a creature of habit, right?). So I hope you enjoy them as much as I did finding them! *KISSES*

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Six Pillows Are A Lot In A Bedroom!

“All I need is a hug and our bed.” — Unknown

...and your six pillows! Heehee...or maybe just your two pillows! I've never really understood the whole decorative pillow thing. You put them on the bed to take them off at night to put them back on in the mornin'? Why? I have a hard enough time makin' my bed because really, you're just gonna mess it up in a few hours again anyway, why make it?

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Why Yes, I Would Like To Extend My Car Warranty

She just has that face that I don't think she could say no to anyone. I think she'd be able to say no if the request made her uncomfortable, but she just looks like she'd be an easy mark for people...she just looks so sweet and innocent. But I've also found out that the sweetest most innocent people have dark sides too! Fun dark sides most of the time. You just have to let them know you're in it to win it, and they will eventually open up to you and I'd give this girl as long as she needed to open up to me.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Totally Reminds Me Of A Girl From High School...

And this girl acted like such a sweetheart! I fell for it, of course, at first but all my girlfriends quickly learned to never leave her alone with their boyfriends. I don't know why she always acted like that, I mean, I think she grew up to become a writer or somethin' good like that, but she really didn't have any impulse control in school. And she looked so much like this girl...well, maybe not so blessed, but definitely in the face.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

A Bevy Of Beauties #10: A Tag Bonanza (43 Photos)

I've collected so many pics over the years and the ones that I don't choose to feature on my blogs and social sites ultimately just get deleted...But why? I've decided to just bunch them all together and post them anyway. I mean, I originally liked the pic enough to save it, right? So why not share it? So this is where I'll dump all the pics I decided for whatever reason won't be featured during my regular posting sessions when I get enough of them to fill a post (if you've followed me for some time, you have to know I'm a creature of habit, right?). So I hope you enjoy them as much as I did finding them! *KISSES*

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Tell Me Something Dirty #12

She Still Blossoms Every Swimsuit Season

Her confidence is what makes her so attractive. I can just imagine her talkin' to me, gigglin' away, without a care in the world, but the whole time plannin' how she's goin' to get out of my house afterwards! Heehee...I'm kiddin' she looks kind too, and I'd definitely hope she'd leave me her number...Please? Will you?

Sunday, September 5, 2021

A Bevy Of Beauties #9: A Tag Bonanza (42 Photos)

I've collected so many pics over the years and the ones that I don't choose to feature on my blogs and social sites ultimately just get deleted...But why? I've decided to just bunch them all together and post them anyway. I mean, I originally liked the pic enough to save it, right? So why not share it? So this is where I'll dump all the pics I decided for whatever reason won't be featured during my regular posting sessions when I get enough of them to fill a post (if you've followed me for some time, you have to know I'm a creature of habit, right?). So I hope you enjoy them as much as I did finding them! *KISSES*

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Stamps Of Approval #18 (Hot Sexy Women Pic Dump - 20 Photos)

We Really Do Love Catching Someone Starin'

This must be where we got the phrase, "The Birds And The Bees" because these little fellows in this poem seem to be havin' such a good time! Heehee...

Here's some more erotic poetry:

“Come Slowly- Eden!” by Emily Dickinson

Come slowly – Eden!
Lips unused to Thee –
Bashful – sip thy Jessamines –
As the fainting Bee –

Reaching late his flower,
Round her chamber hums –
Counts his nectars –
Enters – and is lost in Balms.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Reminds Me A Singer Who "Hit Me One Last Time"

This one confuses me a little but I do get a little tingly when I read it. I think it's about a woman waitin' for her man during a storm to stop workin' and come play with her...to make someone stop whatever they are doin' when they walk into the room, to just stop and stare, crave, and have to satisfy a hunger just upon sight.

Here's some more erotic poetry:

“Hum for the Bolt” by Jamaal May

It could of course be silk. Fifty yards or so
of the next closest thing to water to the touch,
or it could just as easily be a shaft of  wood

crumpling a man struck between spaulder and helm.
But now, with the rain making a noisy erasure
of this town, it is the flash that arrives

and leaves at nearly the same moment. It’s what I want
to be in this moment, in this doorway,
because much as I’d love to be the silk-shimmer

against the curve of anyone’s arm,
as brutal and impeccable as it’d be to soar
from a crossbow with a whistle and have a man

switch off upon my arrival, it is nothing
compared to that moment when I eat the dark,
draw shadows in quick strokes across wall

and start a tongue counting
down to thunder. That counting that says,
I am this far. I am this close.

Monday, August 23, 2021

You Don't Mess With Someone Who Still Owns A VCR

A friend on mine, who also loves to read and write and post educational stuff about books and movies and everything, whose name is Victor (heehee...told you I'd post about you!), loves to post his own poetry. Well, I'm not as gifted to write my own poetry but he has gotten me into readin' some exotic poetry, so I've decided to post some.

Who knew cinnamon was so sexy? I'm not one who is into bringin' food into the bedroom, but if my partner wanted to or needed to I would most definitely play along...remember, I aim to please!

“The Cinnamon Peeler” by Michael Ondaatje
If I were a cinnamon peeler
I would ride your bed
And leave the yellow bark dust
On your pillow.
Your breasts and shoulders would reek
You could never walk through markets
without the profession of my fingers
floating over you. The blind would
stumble certain of whom they approached
though you might bathe
under rain gutters, monsoon.

Here on the upper thigh
at this smooth pasture
neighbour to you hair
or the crease
that cuts your back. This ankle.
You will be known among strangers
as the cinnamon peeler’s wife.
I could hardly glance at you
before marriage
never touch you
–your keen nosed mother, your rough brothers.
I buried my hands
in saffron, disguised them
over smoking tar,
helped the honey gatherers…

When we swam once
I touched you in the water
and our bodies remained free,
you could hold me and be blind of smell.
you climbed the bank and said
this is how you touch other women
the grass cutter’s wife, the lime burner’s daughter.
And you searched your arms
for the missing perfume

and knew

what good is it
to be the lime burner’s daughter
left with no trace
as if not spoken to in the act of love
as if wounded without the pleasure of a scar.

You touched
your belly to my hands
in the dry air and said
I am the cinnamon
Peeler’s wife. Smell me.

Monday, August 16, 2021

This Is One Way To Get Him To Call Back...

You know, I'm all about sextin' and stuff like that, and sendin' sexy pictures, but with the way people have been burned by it so much lately, I tend not to partake in this activity as much, especially since I can always just go over the person's house who I'm sextin', right? So people, male or female or however you identify, if someone trusts you enough to send you a vulnerable photo, please, oh, please, never use it against them or out them or use it to hurt them. This behavior is only ruinin' it for the future generations and everyone knows how you felt when you got that first sexy selfie...it should be a good memory not a bad mistake.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Sure, I'll Play "Kick" The Can With You

Boy, do you remember that game? I bet the kids nowadays don't even know what Kick the Can is and have probably never played it. As I think about that game right now, I don't think I can point to the actual point of the game besides it just bein' a long drawn out version of tag. And did anyone ever really use a can? Heehee...it was usually a ball or a box or some other toy we didn't care about anymore.

I do have to say that as an adult, I think I like the adult version of this game much better, especially if it would involve the curvy gal above...she's so gorgeous in all the right places...because the reward is just so much more rewardin' than kickin' something, unless you're in to that. So just so everyone knows, I love to be “tagged” and to do the “taggin'” too!

Monday, August 2, 2021

It Looks Like She's Puttin' On A Wig, Right? Whatever, She'll Look Great As A Red

I have not yet entered the time in my life, and I hope it's still far away, where I need to color my hair to achieve my golden blonde hair that I have naturally, but I do understand why women color their hair and I also don't understand why they do it. 

I mean, sometimes gray looks dirty and women don't want to have this color, so they dye it back to their natural, original color or change their shade. I get it. You don't want to look like you're wearin' a dirty mop head on your head. I also understand why some women dye their hair to other color than their natural shade because sometimes, they just feel more like the girl with blonde hair or the girl with dark hair. I've had friends who I never knew they dyed their hair because they were so diligent about dyin' it and then one day they decide to go natural again and I'm like...wow, you look so different! So hair color does effect your personality, I think, just like the clothes you wear.

But other times, when a woman's hair begins to age the gray looks shimmering and bright and it's just so attractive, which is why some young ladies have chosen to dye their hair this shade of silver before their strands even begin to fade...and as I said above, sometimes a hair color just fits a girl a certain way. I mean, I couldn't see myself as a dark haired gal...like ever...but I wouldn't be against maybe tryin' it one day. I don't really know what I really meant to say in this post, except maybe if you want to try and dye your hair and you're not sure, try wigs!

Monday, July 26, 2021

I Love It When They Look At Me Like They Know What I'm Thinkin'

Besides the fact this blessed, gorgeous gal in the prime of life being extremely attractive, she definitely appears to understand non-verbal communication and body language. Or are they the same thing? I don't know, but there really isn't anything that makes me feel closer to someone as when they can guess what I'm thinkin' just by the expression on my face...it's a next-level closeness, you know? I'm sure this gal assumes everyone who walks by her is starin' at the the lovely humps and bumps her mother gave her, and I really don't think she'd be wrong! I mean, seriously! Those things can feed an entire third world country!

Monday, July 19, 2021

Don't Worry...They Even Out

Back me up, girls, doesn't it stink when you take a great face pic, but then somethin' goes wrong with your other bits and parts and ruins the picture? I mean, why can't everything just sit like it normally does? This girl's tilt isn't that bad, and I'm sure they look amazing in real life, but this pic just made me think about all those pics that looked so good, but then one little thing looked off and I just couldn't bring myself to post it. I'm past those days now, but this used to be a real problem. Because now, I don't post myself that often and only to my small group of real life friends so I know they won't be mean to me.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Why, Fancy Seeing You Here On This Beautiful Day!

It's such a lovely photo, but every time I look at it, all I can see is that internet meme guy, Hide the Pain Harold, or somethin', who I just found out is a real alive person. I mean, I know he had to be alive at some point, but I didn't think he was around now, but he is! And he's embraced his memeship like a champ. Now, seein' this man when I look at this pic doesn't take anything away from this beautiful woman, but maybe that's because I like both men and women, so I hope I didn't ruin this one for ya!

Monday, July 5, 2021

See...No Red Marks...

But red marks are what we like to see! Heehee...I mean, I never want to hurt someone, unless that's what they ask me to do, but I do just love grabbin' a bottom and seein' my hand print on the skin...I also love to see them on my own skin. What's even better is getting a few marks on my knees or elbows caused by the carpet because if it was a really good time, every time the mark stings a little it reminds of how I got them and then that turns me on again. Make sense? Ladies? Or am I the only one again? 

Friday, July 2, 2021

A Bevy Of Beauties #8: A Tag Bonanza (35 Photos)

I've collected so many pics over the years and the ones that I don't choose to feature on my blogs and social sites ultimately just get deleted...But why? I've decided to just bunch them all together and post them anyway. I mean, I originally liked the pic enough to save it, right? So why not share it? So this is where I'll dump all the pics I decided for whatever reason won't be featured during my regular posting sessions when I get enough of them to fill a post (if you've followed me for some time, you have to know I'm a creature of habit, right?). So I hope you enjoy them as much as I did finding them! *KISSES*

Monday, June 28, 2021

I Think There's Too Many Bubbles In This Hot Tub...

I know this joke is sort of gross, but I couldn't help myself, I mean, seriously...just look at that face! It screams, “Um...did I just see you create more bubbles in this hot tub? And you want to get with me?” It seems she's almost as embarrassed as the person who let one fly! But I hope she's a good sport about it and doesn't get all righteous on the person because we all know she toots too, right? I don't get the big deal, people toot, females too, and I'm not saying you should just go around lifting your legs and lettin' big ones rip in public, but when you're hangin' out with someone for extended periods of time, you know, like datin' someone or livin' with them, it's bound to happen so don't go getting' all ruffled. Just laugh and tell them you love them.

But even with her funny expression, you can't deny her absolute cuteness, and just how sexy those full lips make her seem. Everything she has appears round and firm and she's obviously confident with her body and showin' it off...one thing though, I can't seem to figure out what that is on her arm. I know most likely it's some sort of bracelet, but it just looks so dark and it has an odd shape. But whatever, I'll just lay here and pretend I'm in this hot tub with her (and I don't mean the one tootin'...Heehee...) and that I just might get to experience those luscious lips...

Monday, June 21, 2021

That's No Sort Of Outfit To Rob A Jewelry Store!

This made me laugh for a couple of reasons. One, I don't really know why I think she's in a jewelry store, except for maybe the shelves behind her and they look empty, and why I think she's robbin' it is beyond me, but I always just type the first thought I have when it comes to my titles, that's why some of them are really corny, but it also got me thinkin' about how female thieves are portrayed in movies and television shows. They are always wearin' super uber tight clothes or leather of latex or somethin' like that but you never see a sexy man thief wear sexy clothes, right? They wear practical robbin' clothes always, but not women. 

And they always seems to be compared to cats. Are all house cats female or somethin'? I wouldn't know because I don't have any pets and you'd think this would be somethin' a person would know, because I know there are male dogs as pets, but for some reason my brain is sputtering out on this one. I could just google it, and I think I will when I'm done writing this post, but I don't think it will answer the question as to why female thieves are always compared to cats. But if I was ever bein' robbed, I'd want to be robbed by someone who liked this confident beautiful lady above, wearin' exactly the same outfit, because if I was about to lose everything I owned, at least I would have somethin' to look at why it was happin', right?

Monday, June 14, 2021

I Still Take "Gettin' Ready" Selfies!

Actually, I do still take them I just don't post them anymore...posting pics of myself just led to too much trouble. When I take them now, I just send them to the people I'm hangin' out with that day or night, just to give them a little taste of what's to come (hopefully me! Heehee...*BLUSHES) But there's nothing wrong with showin' yourself off and I don't care how many selfies a person takes, it's just some people just post way too many of them. I mean, why do I need to see twelve different angles of you in the same outfit? Pick the best one and post that one. Besides, when I have too many pics to choose from, it takes me forever to decide which one is the best so I rarely take more than two or three before I send just one.

You know, I just noticed that the right side of this pic is a little messed up, I wonder what happened? I mean, she doesn't look like she changed her body using filters or anything so I wonder why that happened? I know the big joke is seeing the bending door behind the girl, but double toilets? I don't think I've ever seen that before.

Monday, June 7, 2021

A Bevy Of Beauties #7: A Tag Bonanza (39 Photos)

I've collected so many pics over the years and the ones that I don't choose to feature on my blogs and social sites ultimately just get deleted...But why? I've decided to just bunch them all together and post them anyway. I mean, I originally liked the pic enough to save it, right? So why not share it? So this is where I'll dump all the pics I decided for whatever reason won't be featured during my regular posting sessions when I get enough of them to fill a post (if you've followed me for some time, you have to know I'm a creature of habit, right?). So I hope you enjoy them as much as I did finding them! *KISSES*