At some point in our lives, we all have felt a little less than we ought to feel, a little less loved then we deserve, as lonely as a cloud...and we feel this way simply because we believe we are not being noticed, no one is paying us any attention, drizzling us with random compliments, or feeding our desire for recognition—and eventually we begin to believe we deserve this low level of affection. But I believe not a single one of us are doing ourselves justice! We all deserve a simple notice for our beauty, a little attention for our thoughts and behaviors, a few compliments for our choices...and most importantly, a little recognition for the simple pleasures we, ourselves, bring into this world. So during your daily strolls—stop—and look around, smell the daffodils, and notice each other...you never know where your path might lead...

Monday, April 19, 2021

When You Got Yams Like That, "Yam" Them Off

I just had a conversation with someone a little younger than me, and she didn't know that legs were called “yams”! I'm not old, really, but this person thought I was insane! It's probably because I read so much that I have a decent vocabulary, but I know this has also been said in a bunch of movies, right? “Hey, look at those yams!” I know has had to be in some movie or show...but she swore to me that she had never heard the expression before. I couldn't explain to her where it came from, so she really didn't believe me, but I know I'm right and even if I'm not right about that, I don't care because the sexy lady above really does have nice yams!

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