A Host of Golden Daffodils: 2023


At some point in our lives, we all have felt a little less than we ought to feel, a little less loved then we deserve, as lonely as a cloud...and we feel this way simply because we believe we are not being noticed, no one is paying us any attention, drizzling us with random compliments, or feeding our desire for recognition—and eventually we begin to believe we deserve this low level of affection. But I believe not a single one of us are doing ourselves justice! We all deserve a simple notice for our beauty, a little attention for our thoughts and behaviors, a few compliments for our choices...and most importantly, a little recognition for the simple pleasures we, ourselves, bring into this world. So during your daily strolls—stop—and look around, smell the daffodils, and notice each other...you never know where your path might lead...

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 12.30.23 (12 Photos)

Is That The Best You Got?


The Comic Sans font came from an actual comic book.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

A Bevy Of Beauties #25: A Tag Bonanza (36 Photos)

I've collected so many pics over the years and the ones that I don't choose to feature on my blogs and social sites ultimately just get deleted...But why? I've decided to just bunch them all together and post them anyway. I mean, I originally liked the pic enough to save it, right? So why not share it? So this is where I'll dump all the pics I decided for whatever reason won't be featured during my regular posting sessions when I get enough of them to fill a post (if you've followed me for some time, you have to know I'm a creature of habit, right?). So I hope you enjoy them as much as I did finding them! *KISSES*

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 12.23.23 (10 Photos)

Why Do I Think There's A Motorcycle Just Outside This Pic?


“Her underwear, her jeans, the comforter, my corduroys and my boxers between us, I thought. Five layers, and yet I felt it, the nervous warmth of touching―a pale reflection of the fireworks of one mouth on another, but a reflection nonetheless. And in the almostness of the moment, I cared at least enough. I wasn’t sure whether I liked her, and doubted whether I could trust her, but I cared at least enough to try to find out. Her on my bed, wide green eyes staring down at me. The enduring mystery of her sly, almost smirking, smile. Five layers between us.” ― John Green

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 12.16.23 (13 Photos)

You Come Here Often?


“Among men, sex sometimes results in intimacy; among women, intimacy sometimes results in sex.” ― Barbara Cartland

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 12.09.23 (11 Photos)

She Is Absolutely Marriage Material...And Other Material As Well...Heehee...


“Sex without smiling is as sickly and as base as vodka and tonic without ice.” ― Stephen Fry

Thursday, December 7, 2023

A Bevy Of Beauties #24: A Tag Bonanza (34 Photos)

I've collected so many pics over the years and the ones that I don't choose to feature on my blogs and social sites ultimately just get deleted...But why? I've decided to just bunch them all together and post them anyway. I mean, I originally liked the pic enough to save it, right? So why not share it? So this is where I'll dump all the pics I decided for whatever reason won't be featured during my regular posting sessions when I get enough of them to fill a post (if you've followed me for some time, you have to know I'm a creature of habit, right?). So I hope you enjoy them as much as I did finding them! *KISSES*

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 11.25.23 (14 Photos)

"Bark, Bark"...Those Are Definitely Sweater Puppies!


The first iPhone wasn't made by Apple.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 11.18.23 (10 Photos)

Get Lost In Her Eyes


Chinese police use geese squads.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 11.11.23 (10 Photos)

"V" Definitely Means Victory


“She tried to tear herself away from him. The effort broke against his arms that had not felt it. Her fists beat against his shoulders, against his face. He moved one hand, took her two wrists, pinned them behind her, under his arm, wrenching her shoulder blades. She twisted her head back. She felt his lips on her breast. She tore herself free…She fought like an animal. But she made no sound. She did not call for help. She heard the echoes of her blows in a gasp of his breath, and she knew that it was a gasp of pleasure…She felt the hatred and his hands; his hands moving over her body, the hands that broke granite. She fought the last convulsion. Then the sudden pain shot up, through her body, to her throat, and she screamed. Then she laid still. It was an act that could be performed in tenderness, as a seal of love, or in contempt, as a symbol of humiliation and conquest. It could be an act of a lover or the act of a soldier violating an enemy woman. He did it as an act of scorn. Not as love, but as defilement. And this made her still and submit…the act of a master taking shameful , contemptuous possession of her was the kind of rapture she had wanted…” ― Ayn Rand

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 11.04.23 (13 Photos)

That's Right Sun...Bask In HER


“I have an idea that the phrase “weaker sex” was coined by some woman to disarm the man she was preparing to overwhelm.” ― Ogden Nash

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 10.21.23 (11 Photos)

You Come To This Railin' Often?


Nutmeg can be fatally poisonous.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 10.14.23 (12 Photos)

If That Isn't A Tinkle Dance Than I Don't Know What Is


The legend of the Loch Ness Monster goes back nearly 1,500 years.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 10.07.23 (9 Photos)

Somone Get This Gal A Football!


The famed "Typhoid Mary" infected more than 50 people by cooking for them.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 09.30.23 (11 Photos)

Yes, I Will...What? You Didn't Ask Me Anything? Sorry...


“The sex is just sex. I can't get close enough to you. The control is because I'm frightened to death that something will happen to you...that you'll be taken away from me. I've waited too long for you, Ava. I'll do anything to keep you safe. I've lived a life with little control or care. Believe me, I need you..please...please don't leave me.” ― Jodi Ellen Malpas

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Stamps Of Approval #39 (Hot Sexy Women Pic Dump - 20 Photos)

Tell Me Something Dirty #23

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 09.23.23 (9 Photos)

Pia L-Z Is Crazy Hot And Sexy She Just Might Be Dangerous


“You wouldn't think the touch of someone's hand could blow your mind. It's nothing, right? People don't right songs and poems about holding hands―they write them about kisses and sex and eternal love. I mean, when you're a little kid you hold hands with your parents to cross the street. Who's going to write an ode to that? We were alone in the dark, even though the enormous theater was filled with probably a thousand people. We were a tiny island in a sea of other people who didn't matter, who had no meaning, who were so stupid, so oblivious, so stuck in their own boring lives that they didn't even notice the huge, momentous, life-shattering event that was taking place right there in row L, between seats 102 and 104. Derek Edwards was holding my hand.” ― Claire LaZebnik

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 09.16.23 (10 Photos)

Adison Justis - Peace, Love, And The Legend Of The Three Hearts


“Rebound sex is fine when you want to rebound and bounce back in life, but when you only want to bounce back into a bed with your ex-girlfriend, rebound sex would only ever turn out to be a regrettable thing.” ― Jimmy Tudeski

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 09.09.23 (9 Photos)

Alexis Ren Got To Borrow The Car Without Any Special Favors


Rolls-Royce makes the most expensive car in the world.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 09.02.23 (11 Photos)

Michelle Rossell Is Fine Dinin'


Sea lions can dance to a beat.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 08.26.23 (10 Photos)

Sophie Mudd Is Gorgeous Any Time Of The Day


Bee hummingbirds are so small they get mistaken for insects.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Stamps Of Approval #38 (Hot Sexy Women Pic Dump - 20 Photos)

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 08.19.23 (8 Photos)

Crismara Mendoza Loves Lookin' At The People She's Left Behind


“Sex: the thing that takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble.” ― John Barrymore

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 08.12.23 (8 Photos)

Audreyana Michelle - You Wanna Piece Of Me?


“What does one want when one is engaged in the sexual act? That everything around you give you its utter attention, think only of you, care only for you...every man wants to be a tyrant when he fornicates.” ― Marquis de Sade

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The Fields #12: A Follower's Collection (20 Photos)

Over the years I've gained a few faithful followers and supporters of all of my endeavors and it seems I can never thank them enough for their help, encouragements, and just plain awesomeness. Also, they have always thrown a few pics my way, some even flood my inbox with them (YAY!), so...I've decided to create a series on each of my BLOGs to spotlight these sexy offerings...to show off some really good taste in sexy beauty, as well as to give these followers the nod they deserve.

(Side Note: These followers do not claim to own these pics or their rights; they are simply collectors like myself)

This collection is courtesy of: Ken3161964 from Reddit

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 08.05.23 (10 Photos)

Johana Lizetee Is Doin' Her Part Holdin' Up This Buildin'


“A woman means by Unselfishness chiefly taking trouble for others; a man means not giving trouble to others...thus, while the woman thinks of doing good offices and the man of respecting other people’s rights, each sex, without any obvious unreason, can and does regard the other as radically selfish.” ― C.S. Lewis

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 07.29.23 (8 Photos)

Kaia Jordan Gerber Yammin' It Up


Many feet bones don't harden until you're an adult.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Weekly Blossom Beauty: 07.22.23 (8 Photos)

Anna Wolf's Lovely Curves


Hair and nails grow faster during pregnancy.

Friday, July 14, 2023

A Bevy Of Beauties #23: A Tag Bonanza (45 Photos)

I've collected so many pics over the years and the ones that I don't choose to feature on my blogs and social sites ultimately just get deleted...But why? I've decided to just bunch them all together and post them anyway. I mean, I originally liked the pic enough to save it, right? So why not share it? So this is where I'll dump all the pics I decided for whatever reason won't be featured during my regular posting sessions when I get enough of them to fill a post (if you've followed me for some time, you have to know I'm a creature of habit, right?). So I hope you enjoy them as much as I did finding them! *KISSES*

Monday, July 10, 2023

What Are You Talkin' About? There's Nothing On The Plate...Right?

“For women especially, virginity has become the easy answer- the morality quick fix. You can be vapid, stupid, and unethical, but so long as you've never had sex, you're a "good" (i.e. "moral") girl and therefore worthy of praise.” ― Jessica Valenti

Such rubbish, right? Why should sex be our only standard?

Saturday, July 1, 2023

So You Think I'm Hot Enough To Be A Movie Star, Huh?

“All the baby books written by women who had the most perfect birth experience in the world said you should talk to your child in the womb. That was about the only piece of advice I took from those things. Every day I told him if he ruined my vagina I would video tape his birth and show all his future girlfriends what happened to your who-ha when you had sex, ensuring that he will never, ever get laid.” ― Tara Sivec

Saturday, June 24, 2023

She Just Looks Amazing...

“Sex at age 90 is like trying to shoot pool with a rope.” ― George Burns

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Stamps Of Approval #36 (Hot Sexy Women Pic Dump - 20 Photos)

That Water Is Either Really Beautiful Or Very Dirty

“If you believe in love, you're setting yourself up to be disappointed.” ― Candace Bushnell

The Fields #11: A Follower's Collection (20 Photos)

Over the years I've gained a few faithful followers and supporters of all of my endeavors and it seems I can never thank them enough for their help, encouragements, and just plain awesomeness. Also, they have always thrown a few pics my way, some even flood my inbox with them (YAY!), so...I've decided to create a series on each of my BLOGs to spotlight these sexy offerings...to show off some really good taste in sexy beauty, as well as to give these followers the nod they deserve.

(Side Note: These followers do not claim to own these pics or their rights; they are simply collectors like myself)

This collection is courtesy of: Michael Morgan from Pinterest

Saturday, June 3, 2023

So...When Is My Rent Due?

“Don't you know that love isn't just going to bed? Love isn't an act, it's a whole life. It's staying with her now because she needs you; it's knowing you and she will still care about each other when sex and daydreams, fights and futures -- when all that's on the shelf and done with. Love -- why, I'll tell you what love is: it's you at seventy-five and her at seventy-one, each of you listening for the other's step in the next room, each afraid that a sudden silence, a sudden cry, could mean a lifetime's talk is over.” ― Brian Moore

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Thursday, May 18, 2023

A Bevy Of Beauties #22: A Tag Bonanza (45 Photos)

I've collected so many pics over the years and the ones that I don't choose to feature on my blogs and social sites ultimately just get deleted...But why? I've decided to just bunch them all together and post them anyway. I mean, I originally liked the pic enough to save it, right? So why not share it? So this is where I'll dump all the pics I decided for whatever reason won't be featured during my regular posting sessions when I get enough of them to fill a post (if you've followed me for some time, you have to know I'm a creature of habit, right?). So I hope you enjoy them as much as I did finding them! *KISSES*

Saturday, May 13, 2023

That Ground Must Be Uber Hard For Her To Survive It With Those Heels

“It was a blonde. A blonde to make a bishop kick a hole in a stained-glass window.” ― Raymond Chandler